Why Dad Cuts Sons Hair Like Old Man?


There is nothing more embarrassing for a son then having his father cut his hair like an old man. The thought of his father, that saggy old man having to shave his head can be very revolting to a young boy and can cause some very real psychological problems in the child. Many fathers actually take great pains to make their son’s happy at all times. In many cases, the reason a father wants to cut his son’s hair like Old Man’s face is because he is embarrassed of his fatherly ways. Unfortunately, this way of thinking is nothing new and has been around for centuries.

There is little wonder why fashion has tied itself so closely to grooming and appearance. For thousands of years, men have been grooming themselves in order to appear more masculine. While obviously this has changed over time, there are still some very real psychological elements tied to this grooming practice. Men all across the world shave their heads just like Old Man. Even if they don’t consider it to be feminine, it still carries some of the same connotations and it certainly isn’t a fashion.

This is one theory on why it is so embarrassing for dads to have their hair cut. Dads probably think about it every day, especially if they are having to shave. It is the same kind of insecurity and self-consciousness that we see in women every time they walk down the runway or are interviewed on a major news network news show. This type of insecurity has caused many a young woman to pick up the fashions and trends that are popular with other young people while turning their backs on the most basic elements of grooming.
